ProjectWise Administrator Help

To Specify How Long To Keep Audit Trail Records of a Specific Type Before They Are Deleted or Moved to a Secondary Audit Trail Table

  1. In ProjectWise Administrator, right-click your datasource and select Properties.
  2. In the Datasource Properties dialog, select the Audit Trail tab.
  3. Click the Settings button.

    The Audit Trail Settings dialog opens.

  4. In the Audit trail record types list, select a record type.
  5. In the Retention Settings section, select Keep records for specified period.

  6. In the fields that become enabled, set how many years, months, days, and/or hours to keep the records of the selected type.
  7. Click OK.

    After an audit trail record has been in the dms_audt table for the specified time, it is then deleted or moved to the secondary table (depending on whether the setting Move truncated records into secondary table is off or on) the next time the server runs the truncating process, which is every hour.

    If you set the total value to 0, all records of the selected type will be truncated when the server runs the truncating process. If you specify to keep audit trail records for one day, the audit trail record will be truncated after 24 hours from the time the audit trail record was entered. 2^32 is the highest value that can be stored in the database.